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Complete Suspension

Regrettably, following instructions from the Methodist Church and from the Government, we have had to suspend all activities at Falmouth Methodist Church, and can no longer open for prayer at lunchtimes. We hope that all friends of FMC will continue to pray for those affected in one way or another by Covid-19.


We have had to make the decision to cancel all services on these premises for the foreseeable future, in line with guidance from the Government and from the Methodist Church.

We will, however, we open for private prayer at lunchtimes on weekdays. Our Memorial Chapel (on the ground floor) will be available Monday to Friday 12noon until 20.00pm for anyone to come in spend some time in quiet.

Additionally, we are endeavouring to establish what needs within our Church community and within the wider society in which we live can be met by us.

Selling delicious cakes and other goodies made by members of the church

Christmas Cracker

The Christmas cracker event on Saturday 7th December was a great success. There was a splendid stitchcraft stall; bric a brac and book stalls; as well as a warm welcome, hot drinks and food. Over £1100 was raised. Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to make it such a fun morning for those who came.

The 74 presents!

Gift Sunday

The first Sunday of Advent saw our Gift Sunday. Presents were donated by members of the Church family to be given to young people in our community who would otherwise not have anything this Christmas. They were received by Dawn Froggatt who works from the Dracaena Centre. She counted 74 gifts! Dawn told us about last year's gifts and the difference they made to the lives of the recipients. What she told us was inspiring.

The generosity of the Church family is much appreciated, as is the thought put into the gifts. Well done FMC!

Delicious star and angel biscuts

Cafe Church

On Sunday at cafe church we started to anticipate the arrival of Jesus, as it was the first Sunday in advent. We thought about how we anticipate events in our own lives, sometimes with joy and sometimes with dread. The members of the church also showed amazing generosity by presenting gifts for young people in our community. They were given to the youth worker at the Dracaena Centre to give away. Biscuits of stars and angels were made and we wrote our prayers on paper prophets. At anytime during the service we could help ourselves to tea, coffee and breakfast.

Ministers Christmas Message

Dear friends

Imagine the situation…… A nation divided between the ‘have’s’ and the ‘have not’s’…. conflict ever present in society over different views about sovereignty…… a general distrust of foreigners…. people unsettled, angered, frustrated….. economically, things not going well…… a lack of trust in national leaders…a sense of hopelessness for the future……. a nation at odds with itself.…..and in the background, the threat of terrorism always lurking.


Variety Show

There was much hilarity and laughter during the evening of FMCs Variety Show, which took place on 15th November. The audience loved the children - from the Rainbows, the Guides and the Scouts and Cubs - with their songs, sketches and stories. We were wowed by the encyclopaedic knowledge of our Property Team of social media! Poems were recited by Moira and by Jean Northey, who reminded us of why ‘Albert and the Lion’ is such a favourite (especially when told with a Yorkshire accent!). The dramatisation of ‘Cinderella’ was a triumph, starring Andrew Whetter as Cinders.

Rev Ruth Whitehead

Final Service at URC

On Sunday 27th October, we all made our way to Berkeley Vale for the final service of the United Reformed Church with Trinity Baptists. We have had a long association with the congregation there, and in recent years the links have grown closer. Of course, the building was a Methodist Church before the URC moved there, so there was a sense of great nostalgia for that occasion. In addition, the love we all had for Pat Whittaker, who died in the Spring, was in our minds throughout.

No service this week!

Don't forget, there's no service at FMC this Sunday. We are all going to our friends at the URC Church at Berkeley Vale, up the road, for their final service before closing. It's at 10.30am, same as our usual time.

Our next services will be on Sunday 3rd November, when there'll be the usual pattern for the first Sunday of the month with a traditional service as well as Café Church. Breakfast will be served from 10.00am, whichever congregation you want to join!

Harvest Festival

Our annual Harvest Festival had an additional dimension of celebration this year, because the service was led by Rev Dr Ed Kimes. Ed, who is a minister in the United Methodist Church in the United States, was minister at Falmouth for twelve months ten years ago. He and his wife, Faith, are very fondly remembered, and it was a joy to welcome them back to Cornwall.

Ed took as his harvest theme 'Thanksgiving'. Amongst other things, he showed pictures of their time here a decade ago, and reminded everyone of the people who had made their time here so special.