
Welcome to Falmouth Methodist Church

We are a large town centre church, serving a seaside community. We have a vibrant resident population and welcome visitors on holiday to our activities and worship. Please come and see us!

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What We Do

Falmouth Methodist Church - Fulfilling our Mission in the Community


Falmouth Methodist Church meets to hold services at the KCM Hall New Street every Sunday at 10.30am. We have an informal Café Style Worship on the first Sunday of each month and more traditional services on the other weeks. You can also watch our services on YouTube.


Bible Study is held fortnightly on a Thursday afternoon. If you would like to join us for the Bible Study then please contact us.

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We are part of the Falmouth and Gwennap Methodist Circuit and are enthusiastic members of Falmouth and Penryn Churches Together and participate in their activities and meetings. Several FPCT activities are held on our church premises.

Our Church Community

We are a gathered church. Few members of our congregation live within easy walking distance, and some live in surrounding villages. We seek to offer a style of worship that is accessible to a wide variety of people, with high quality music led by our organist or our Café Worship band. We are seeking to be an outward looking church, ever mindful of the community outside our doors.

Our congregation covers a wide age-range, and all are made to feel welcome.

Our Services and Events

Falmouth Methodist Church is a church that is well established in the local community and rooted in its history. It values that heritage. However, it is also a church for today, seeking to serve the needs of the present-day people of Falmouth, and to be a living presence in the civic hub of the town.

Revd. Jonathan FroggattMinister

Lincoln and Denise
18 Dec

News from New Zealand

By Sarah Smith


We made it!

One of our prime objectives whilst we were in NZ was to visit Lincoln and Denise James (former church members who emigrated six and a half years previously).

Christmas Services
28 Nov

Christmas Services

By Sarah Smith


Christmas Eve, Tuesday 24th December 2024 at 4pm

Christingle Family Service at King Charles the Martyr:  Worship is led by Revd. Jonathan Froggatt.


Christmas Day, Wednesday 25th December 2024 10.30am