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You are welcome to join us for worship. Our Sunday Services are held at New Street Church Hall, which is in New Street, just behind the Parish Church of King Charles the Martyr. Please note that some of our Christmas services will be held at the parish church of King Charles the Martyr.

Minister: Revd. Jonathan Froggatt

Our Services:

Sunday 2nd March 2025

 (Duty Steward: Maree Moore)

10.30am at FMC:  Worship is led by the Café Worship Team

At Mawnan Smith 10.30am Worship is led by Jeanette Preston

At Langholme 3.30pm Worship is led by Revd. Andrew Mumford

Sunday 9th March 2025

(Duty Steward: Louise Froggatt)

10.30am at FMC: Worship is led by Revd. Jonathan Froggatt including Holy Communion.

At Langholme 3.30pm: Worship is led by Mrs M Bennett

Sunday 16th March 2025

(Duty Steward: Sarah Smith)

10.30am at FMC: Worship is led by Pastor Jenny Lockwood

At Mawnan Smith: Worship is led by Lesley Parsons

At Langholme 3.30pm Worship is led by Mrs Ruth Bowen

Sunday 23rd March 2025

(Duty Steward: Anne Matthews)

10.30am at FMC:  Worship is led by Mr Paul Langford

At Langholme 3.30pm: Worship is led by Revd. Mo Lawson-Wills

Mothering Sunday 30th March 2025

(Duty Steward: Moira McCullough)

10.30am at FMC: Worship is led by the Café Worship Team

At Mawnan Smith: Worship is led by Revd. Jonathan Froggatt

At Langholme 3.30pm: Worship is led by Revd. Jonathan Froggatt.


After Sunday services, refreshments are served. Please stay and take the opportunity to have a chat and get to know us better.


Online Services:


YouTube services on Sundays can be found by following the link here:

On Sunday 2nd March online worship will be led by Revd. Jonathan Froggatt.

 On Sunday 9th March online worship will be led by Sam Goldsworthy.

On Sunday 16th March: Online Worship will be led by Amanda Jenkin

On Sunday 23rd March: Online worship will be led by Revd. Andrew Mumford.

On Sunday 30th March: Online worship will be led by Mr. Paul Langford.


Regular Activities

Stitchcraft: meet at the Princess Pavilion every Monday at 2pm. New members’ welcome.

Footsteps Café: Falmouth & Penryn Churches Together coffee morning, Footsteps is held every Thursday in the foyer of Emmanuel Baptist Church from 10-12 noon.  Hot and cold drinks and homemade cakes available.  All are welcome.

 Wednesday Welcome: meets on the first Wednesday in the month and will be held in March at the Falmouth Hotel, April is at Flicka Donkey Sanctuary.   Please speak to, or telephone Jeanette to book.


Other Notices:

Circuit Zoom Prayer Meeting  You are invited to join on the first and third Tuesday of each month - 6.15 for 6.30pm. Revd. Jonathan will email the joining link to 'regulars' but if you would like to join please email Jonathan for the link.

Fairtrade stall will be available every second Sunday following our morning service. Nona.

Cake Stall: On the third Sunday of each month there will be a cake stall to raise funds for the church. Homemade cakes only £1.50 a slice.

Ecumenical Lent Groups 2025: “Calling a Wounded Earth Home” Prepared by the Green Christian Project. You are all warmly invited to our ecumenical lent groups. We will be meeting twice a week during Lent, on a Wednesday evening and a Thursday morning or afternoon. Please come whichever time is best for you. Each weekly session stands on its own, so you do not need to be concerned if you miss a week. This course asks: what kind of people might we need to be to face the challenges of climate change? Here is a space to go deeper together, and a space of contemplation that can resource meaningful action. These are the times and dates: Wednesday 12th March 7.00pm, Thursday 13th March 10.30am, Wednesday 19th March 7.00pm, Thursday 20th  March 2.30pm, Wednesday 26th  March 7.00pm, Thursday 27th  March 10.30am, Wednesday 2nd  April 7.00pm, Thursday 3rd  April 2.30pm, Wednesday 9th  April 7.00pm, Thursday 10th April 2.30pm. The venue will be Fairwinds Café, below King Charles the Martyr Church.

World Day of Prayer: Friday 7th March at Budock Church has a new time of 11am not 10.30 as previously advertised. Soup, tea, coffee & cakes will be served.


Mid-week Holy Communion at New Street

On:  Thurs 6th March 2025 at 10.30.

Led by Revd. Andrew Mumford

Midweek communion at New Street. KCM members will also be invited to join us. A midweek communion service will be held on the first Thursday of each month, being led by a Methodist minister with an invitation to both congregations.


Eco Tip

Keep a Nature Journal

With signs of Spring appearing, now is a great time to start a nature journal. This has been proven to reduce stress, improve your mood and enhance your skills of observation, it will also help you to feel closer to nature. Find a suitable notebook to take outside (unlined paper if you like to sketch) and then go somewhere that you love, look around. What makes you feel inspired? What Bible verses come to mind? Use all your senses to help you connect with the nature around you. Record the date, time and weather.


Vision Space:

Our Future Plans: Regeneration News

We are waiting for the result of the Pre-App having put in a second set of plans. This should be due at the beginning of March, and we will then make a decision about the site.


In our prayers, we continue to hold the following before God: from Falmouth: - we pray for Sarah Smith, June & Harold,  Sandy White, Bruce Keer, Glenys & Kerina Bakken, Sue’s sister Jean, Anne & Barry Libby & Family, Val Thorne, Gwen Mason, Barbara Toyne, Pauline & Peter Cocks, Dorothy Penman, Gwen Dunstan, Gill Wilkinson, and the residents and staff of care homes, especially Langholme.

Pastoral Contact:    for March is Ginny Leggo


Thinking of you and missing you at church: Alison James