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When Doubt Becomes Trust

When Doubt Becomes Trust


Report on the Sunday service for Falmouth Methodist Church: Sunday 16th April 2023

Meeting at New Street in the KCM church hall, Mr Paul Langford, Local Preacher, welcomed everyone to the Falmouth Methodist Church service. The service began with a prayer called ‘Before We Begin’ and was followed by the first hymn, ‘Christ is Alive’ played by Mr David Collins.

Opening prayers were by Mrs Sarah Smith who also led a responsive reading from Singing the Faith called ‘The Song of Resurrection.’  The reading was taken from John 20: 19-31. In his sermon Mr Langford hypothesised about how the disciples felt when Jesus appeared to them after the resurrection. He continued to examine that doubt and the epithet, ‘doubting Thomas’ which has been attached to the disciple Thomas, can be understood as someone ‘not saying no, they do not want to know, but that they want to know more.’ He also spoke about how painful it can be when people doubt us, when we are speaking the truth. The service concluded with the hymn ‘Thine Be the Glory.’

IF you would like to join us for worship at the KCM church hall in New Street we meet every Sunday morning at 10.30am.

Next Sunday 30th April our service will begin at 10.30 led by Miss A Jenkin

Online services are still available for those who cannot attend the service in church and can be found from a link on the Falmouth and Gwennap Circuit website, The services are available from 10.30am each Sunday morning.