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Visit from Revd. Will Fletcher and Family

Visit from Revd. Will Fletcher and Family


Report on the Sunday service for Falmouth Methodist Church: Sunday 30th April 2023

Meeting at New Street in the KCM church hall, Gillian Collins welcomed everyone to the Falmouth Methodist Church service and introduced the visiting Methodist Minister Revd. Will Fletcher from Haywards Heath, East Sussex.

The service began with the first hymn, ‘This Joyful Eastertide’ played by Mr David Collins. Opening prayers centred around the phrase, ‘source of all life and grace we depend on you.’ The first reading by Ginny Leggo was Psalm 23 and the Gospel reading was taken from John 10: 1-10 the Parable of the Good Shepherd.

In his sermon Revd Fletcher postulated on the theme for his service quoting the Fairport Convention song, ‘Who Knows Where the Time Goes?’ and adding to this he spoke metaphorically about our life-journeys and how though each is separate and distinct we are all offered ‘hope, peace and life’ by the Good Shepherd ‘who is calling our names’. Adding to the service Mrs Helen Fletcher then led a section called Psalms and Stretches where the congregation were asked to join in with movements illustrating the main points in the psalm of peace and rest.  

IF you would like to join us for worship at the KCM church hall in New Street we meet every Sunday morning at 10.30am. (see below)

Next Sunday, 7th May, our service will begin at 10.30. We will be joining our friends at King Charles the Martyr Parish Church for a Civic Service in celebration of the King’s coronation.

On May the 14th our worship will be led by Mrs M Bennett at New Street.

Online services are still available for those who cannot attend the service in church and can be found from a link on the Falmouth and Gwennap Circuit website, The services are available from 10.30am each Sunday morning.