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A psalm for FMC

A psalm for FMC

For our first 'Alternative' Service, we created a psalm for today (see below). After listening to Psalm 80, we thought about aspects of FMC that we valued from its past and present, things that we regret about our church, and our concerns for the church and society. Animated discussion took place (socially distanced, of course!), and the feedback was collated by Deacon Jane, who transformed the comments into a modern-day psalm.

Towards the end of the service, we listened to a paraphrase of Revelation 21 and 22 written by Deacon Jane, put into 21st Century Falmouth and Penryn. It was an image of a perfect world, with all the issues that trouble our world wiped away - God's kingdom brought into being. It gave a message of hope for where God is leading us.

During the service, we also looked briefly at the graphs produced of the results of the questionnaire sent out in the summer. That gave food for thought for many future discussions, as we seek to discern where God is leading us. 

A Psalm for Falmouth Methodist Church

September 2020


Dear Lord, we give you thanks:

For the history of this place and for happy memories of a big congregation with large numbers of children.

For all the people, who made this place what it is, and the vision to build in such a location.

For the number of people who have returned to worship following lockdown,

and our joy in seeing each other again.


We regret:

That a proportion of our congregation has become so old!

That some children no longer seem interested in what we have to offer, we miss the fun and laughter they brought.

That faith is no longer taught in schools and your church is not seen as relevant by so many people, and we have not always responded to fill that gap.

We miss the fellowship of our groups and coffee mornings and that we can no longer sing.

Lockdown forced a pause in the Regeneration Project which was on the verge of starting a new thing……….



We live in a community where so many feel the need for contact and yearn for something ‘spiritual’

There is so much poverty and homelessness locally and loneliness and mental health are growing concerns, we feel at a loss and out of our depth as we search for relevant times and styles of gathering where people can meet, worship and share their thoughts, concerns, joys and sorrows.


Help us Lord, to put this all into your hands, that in you, and with you, we may move forward together.

Take away our fear of the unknown and fill us with the hope and trust that you are guiding us.

With you all things are possible.