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Palm Sunday Café Worship

Palm Sunday Café Worship


Palm Sunday

Meeting at New Street in the KCM church hall, Mrs Jo Walker welcomed everyone to the Falmouth Methodist Church Café Worship service. Once everyone had helped themselves to the tea, coffee and breakfast the service began with the celebratory first hymn, played by Mrs Val Thorne, ‘Make Way for Christ the King.’ This introduced the theme for the service of Jesus triumphal entry into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday.

 The first reading was from Matthew 21: 1-6. The second reading was taken from Matthew 7 -11.  During the informal service, Jo encouraged us to look through newspapers and choose an item each that we could pray for during the week. With the rest of the paper we each made a palm tree as our craft activity; this was enjoyed by all age groups!

In an interactive prayer, holding our Palm Sunday crosses, the congregation thanked God for the planet, sky & animals, prayed for those in conflict & war situations, and for all those who are worried, unwell, or alone. The service concluded with the hymns ‘’Hosanna’ & ‘Majesty.’

IF you would like to join us for worship at the KCM church hall in New Street we meet every Sunday morning with the service beginning at 10.30am.

Next Sunday, 9th April, is Easter Sunday worship led by Revd. Andrew Mumford. All are welcome.

Online services are still available for those who cannot attend the service in church and can be found from a link on the Falmouth and Gwennap Circuit website,  The services are available from 10.30am each Sunday morning.