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Notices for 9th, 16th   & 23rd July 2023

Minister: Revd. Andrew Mumford   

You are welcome to join us for worship. Our Sunday Services are held at New Street Church Hall, which is in New Street, just behind the Parish Church of King Charles the Martyr. Our services for this month are:


Sunday 9th July 10.30am:   Worship led by Revd. Andrew Mumford including Holy Communion, to be followed by a ‘bring-your-own’ picnic lunch to celebrate the 70th birthday of Revd. Andrew

 At Langholme: Worship led by Revd. Liz Harris


Sunday 16th July  10.30am: Worship led by Mrs L Rowse

At Mawnan Smith 10.30am: Worship led by Mrs D Goldsworthy

At Langholme: Worship led by Mrs M Bennett


Sunday 23rd July 10.30am:  FMC at Mylor for the leaving service for Revd. Andrew Mumford

At Langholme: Worship led by Ms K Jones


After Sunday services, refreshments are served. Please stay and take the opportunity to have a chat and get to know us better.


Looking further ahead:

Thursday 19th July 10.30am: Mid-week Holy Communion led by Revd Andrew Mumford                                                                        

Sunday 30th July 10.30am: Worship led by Pastor Jenny Lockwood       

Sunday 30th July 5pm: Revive at Stithians including a BBQ, all are welcome to attend.                     

Midweek communions- at New Street. KCM members will also be invited to join us. Midweek communion services are on the first and third Thursdays of each month, being led alternately by a Methodist minister and an Anglican priest, with both congregations warmly invited to join us.


Regular activities:

Stitchcraft: meet at the Princess Pavilion every Monday at 2pm. New members’ welcome.

Footsteps Café: Falmouth & Penryn Churches Together coffee morning, Footsteps is held every Thursday in the foyer of Emmanuel Baptist Church from 10-12 noon. Hot and cold drinks and homemade cakes available. All are welcome.

Wednesday Welcome: meets on the first Wednesday in the month from 2-4pm. The next two meetings will take place at the Princess Pavilion and then at Lyndon Hey Garden Tea Room. To book please speak to or telephone Jeanette.


Other Notices:

FMC Website: These notices together with other information and articles can be found on our user-friendly church website at

Sale at Mawnan Smith on Saturday 8th July, from 10.00am. Memorabilia, books, crockery etc


Circuit Open Garden Events:

When: Saturday July 15th  2pm – 5pm Hosted by: Euan McPhee and Nona Wright

 Room for 2 cars on drive or anywhere along Venton Road. Details: Garden open; plants for sale; treasure hunt/quiz for children, teas, coffees, and snacks available. Well behaved dog’s welcome. Accessibility: gravel driveway, two steps into house.


Summer Sessions Bible Study: A series of one-off individual Bible studies; these are stand-alone sessions so you can dip in and out as you like. All are very welcome. They will take place on either a Thursday or Monday morning. The next session entitled, ‘Christian Worship: the turbulent history of the church’ will be held at Stithians chapel schoolroom on Monday 10th July 10-12.


In our prayers, we continue to hold the following before God: from Falmouth: Ginny Leggo, Tony Thomas, Ria Smith & family (Ian & Sarah’s niece), the folk at Abbeyfield including Sheila Finch, those we know who are receiving ‘end of life’ care & their families, Sylvia Phillips, Dorothy Penman, Bruce & Shirley Keer, Gwen Dunstan, Gill Wilkinson, Bab Minns, and Pastor Jenny Lockwood and family, and the residents and staff of care homes, especially Langholme. And for all those who have been affected by the recent chest infections doing the rounds, and for all those suffering with the effects of Covid (short-term and long-Covid).

The funeral service for Tracey, the daughter of Pastor Jenny: If you would like to view Tracey's farewell celebration service it will be on Wednesday 12 July at 4pm at Treswithian Downs Crematorium. Let us remember Jenny and all the family in our prayers.

The funeral service for Revd. Brian Mavers. The funeral will be held at Frogpool on Thursday the 13th July at 12 noon.  Let us remember Mary and the family in our prayers. 

 Pastoral Contact  for July is Jean Northey

Eco- Tip: Try a meatless BBQ this summer. Look out for your nearest Farmer’s Market for veggie alternatives that have low to nearly zero travel miles. Why not try Meat-Free Mondays too?


As ever, you’ll find the YouTube services on Sundays here: This Sunday the 9th July  is led by Pastor Jenny Lockwood. Next Sunday the 16th July is led by Sam & Debbie Goldsworthy. Sunday 23rd is led by Revd. Liz Harris.


Thinking of you and missing you at church: Glennis & Karina, Janet Dale, Doris Hamilton


The next edition of the notices will be available from Sunday 30th July Please send any items for inclusion to Sarah before Wednesday 26th July. Thank you! These notices will be updated twice a month, so please hold onto them, don’t delete them, until you get a revised version. That will save us time and money in unnecessary reprinting and will do another small bit for the environment. The notices are also published once a fortnight on our church website at