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You are welcome to join us for worship. Our Sunday Services are held at New Street Church Hall, which is in New Street, just behind the Parish Church of King Charles the Martyr.

Minister: Revd. Jonathan Froggatt

Our Services:

Sunday 6th October 2024

 (Duty Steward: Sam Taylor)

10.30am at FMC:  Worship is led by the Café Worship Team.

At Mawnan Smith 10.30am Harvest Festival Worship at St Mawnan Church.

At Langholme 3.30pm Worship is led by Mrs M Bennett

Sunday 13th October 2024

(Duty Steward: Jo Walker )

10.30am at FMC: Worship is led by Revd. Jonathan Froggatt including Holy Communion.

At Langholme 3.30pm: Worship is led by Revd. Jonathan Froggatt

Sunday 20th October 2024

 (Duty Steward: Sarah Smith)

10.30am at FMC:  Worship is led by Mrs D Goldsworthy

At Mawnan Smith 10.30am Worship is led by Revd. Jonathan Froggatt including Holy Communion.

At Langholme 3.30pm Worship is led by Miss Jean Whetham

Sunday 27th October 2024

(Duty Steward: Moira McCullough)

10.30am at FMC: Worship is led by Mrs L Rowse

At Langholme 3.30pm: Worship is led by Mr P Langford

After Sunday services, refreshments are served. Please stay and take the opportunity to have a chat and get to know us better.

Online Services:

YouTube services on Sundays can be found by following the link here:


On Sunday 6th October online worship will be led by Ruth Bowen and Tom Rowse.

On Sunday 13th October online worship will be led by Mandy Jenkin & Sam Goldsworthy.

On Sunday 20th October: online worship will be led by Miss Jean Whetham.

On Sunday 27th October: online worship will be led by Revd. Andrew Mumford



Regular Activities

Stitchcraft: meet at the Princess Pavilion every Monday at 2pm. New members’ welcome.

Footsteps Café: Falmouth & Penryn Churches Together coffee morning, Footsteps is held every Thursday in the foyer of Emmanuel Baptist Church from 10-12 noon.  Hot and cold drinks and homemade cakes available.  All are welcome.

 Wednesday Welcome: meets on the first Wednesday in the month. The next date is on Wednesday November 6th, it will be held at Carnon Downs Garden Centre.

 Please speak to, or telephone Jeanette to book.

Mid-week Holy Communion at New Street

On: Thurs. 3rd October & Thurs 7th November at 10.30 am

Midweek communion at New Street. KCM members will also be invited to join us. A midweek communion service will be held on the first Thursday of each month, being led by a Methodist minister with an invitation to both congregations.


Other Notices:

Pastoral visitors & leaders AGM:  To take place on Wednesday 9th October at the Penmorvah Manor Hotel, 10.30am for coffee & biscuits £4. Meeting from 11am including a talk by Age UK followed by lunch £11. Please make every effort to attend this valuable meeting to support each other in the work of visiting and caring for our church friends and family. RSVP must be by 1st Oct. Thanks. Tracy.


FMC Church Council Meeting: The next church council meeting is on Wednesday 16th October at New Street, 2.30pm. Please can I have written reports by 9th October and any items for the agenda. Thanks, Jo.

Eco Church Next Meeting: Thursday 10th October (please note change of time) 10 -11am at Emmanuel Baptist Church following on from Footsteps Café. All are welcome to join us!

Funeral Service: for Christine Collins will be held at Penmount, in the Trelawny Chapel on 10th October at 1pm.

Friday Morning Friends at Fairwinds: 25th October 10am-12noon.  All are welcome to our coffee morning at Fairwinds (KCM’s café).

Eco Group Litter Pick: (Please note change of date) Saturday 26th October from 10am – 12 midday, meeting at Permarin Car Park in Penryn behind the shops in the main street. Please note that charges apply in this council car park.

Coffee morning & sale of handmade Christmas cards and cards for other occasions at the home of Jo Walker on Tuesday October 29th 10.00am to 12.30pm.  All are welcome.


Circuit Zoom Prayer Meeting  You are invited to join on the first and third Tuesday of each month - 6.15 for 6.30pm. Revd. Jonathan will email the joining link to 'regulars' but if you would like to join please email Jonathan for the link.

Fairtrade stall will be available every second Sunday following our morning service. Nona.

Cake Stall: On the third Sunday of each month there will be a cake stall to raise funds for the church. Homemade cakes only £1.50 a slice.                                                                                                          

Blue velvet fundraising bags: How are you getting on with your personal fundraising project?  We are now more than halfway through the fundraising period.  We plan to collect the contents on Advent Sunday - the bag is yours to keep!! If you have come up with some imaginative fundraising ideas, please share them with each other.  I know that donations for car lifts have been popped into the blue bags.  I often 'dog sit' for my son and I have proffered the bag for a donation or two!  Please keep up the good work and share with us all.  From Jane B and the FMC Fundraising Team. 


Future Dates:


Autumn Bible Studies at the Manse: These will take place on Friday afternoons at the home of Jonathan & Louise. Commencing on Friday 15th November at 2.30pm. The next dates will be the 22nd & 29th of Nov and 6th December.


Church Family Christmas Lunch Advance Notice: All are welcome! Sunday 15th December  12.30 for 1pm. More details to follow, booking will be with Jeanette.  



ECO News

Trees of Hope

After the illegal felling of the beloved tree at Sycamore Gap along Hadrian’s Wall last year the National Trust are preparing to make available 49 saplings from the tree to find new homes in the UK. The Trust hopes that the saplings will find new homes in community settings so that people can have the opportunity to engage with the Sycamore Gap tree and its legacy.

Embrace Autumn

As the clocks go back at the end of this month you might feel the urge to hibernate! But as daylight dwindles it is more important to get outside for exercise when you can. Take a moment to enjoy the changing seasons.

Blue Carbon

A world-leading series of reports regarding Blue Carbon have been issued- making the UK the first nation to map and estimate the carbon stored in the seabed habitats and highlighting the importance of marine protection. Cornwall Wildlife Trust states, ‘as a county dominated by the coast this report feels particularly poignant’. Tor to Shore is their latest project and a key part of their conservation work at sea and takes in the largest known sub-tidal seagrass bed in the UK. Read more on their website. 


It is that time of year again where it is a good idea to clean bird feeders this will help to prevent diseases spreading to winter migrants. Install a nest box well before breeding season to provide a cosy retreat for small birds.


‘I know every bird in the mountains, & the insects in the field are mine.’ Psalm 50:11


 In our prayers, we continue to hold the following before God: from Falmouth: - we pray for Rosemary who has had a fall, Glenys & Kerina Bakken, Sue’s sister Jean, Anne & Barry Libby & Family, Val Thorne, Gwen Mason, Barbara Toyne, Pauline & Peter Cocks, Dorothy Penman, Gwen Dunstan, Gill Wilkinson, and the residents and staff of care homes, especially Langholme.


Pastoral Contact:    for October is Tracy.

Thinking of you and missing you at church: Lorene Fletcher & Gwen Dunstan.



Our Preachers

Some of our church members are also Ministers & Local Preachers. Can we encourage you to pray for them and the congregations that they are visiting.

6th Oct

Jean Whetham at Frogpool

Euan McPhee at Lanner

Revd. Jonathan at Mylor

13th Oct

Sarah Smith at Carharrack

Jean Whetham at Carnkie

Revd. Jonathan at Langholme

Revd. Andrew at Stithians

20th Oct

Euan McPhee at Carnkie

Jean Whetham at Langholme & online service

Revd. Jonathan at Lanner & Mawnan Smith

27th Oct

Revd. Jonathan at Carnkie

Revd. Andrew at Mylor & online service.

Jean Whetham at Stithians



The next edition of the notices will be available from Sunday 3rd November 2024. Please send any items for inclusion to Sarah before  Wednesday 30th October 2024. These notices will be updated once a month, so please hold onto them, do not delete them, until you get a revised version. That will save us time and money in unnecessary reprinting and will do another small bit for the environment, they are also published on our church website. If you have any additional notices for the month of October, then please email me and the Duty Steward will announce them on the relevant Sunday. Thank you

Additional Notices:


Foodbank Donations needed:

•          TOOTHPASTE




•          TINNED PEAS