Minister: Revd. Jonathan Froggatt
Our Services:
Sunday 23rd June 2024
NO services. District Wellspring Event
Wellspring Celebration Weekend - Worship, Teaching, Fellowship across the Cornwall and IoS District.
Sunday 30th June 2024 (Duty Steward: Maree Moore)
10.30am at FMC: Worship is led by Mrs M Bennett
At Mawnan Smith 10.30am Worship will be at the Parish Church
At Langholme 3.30pm Worship led by Revd. Liz Harris
After Sunday services, refreshments are served. Please stay and take the opportunity to have a chat and get to know us better.
You are welcome to join us for worship. Our Sunday Services are held at New Street Church Hall, which is in New Street, just behind the Parish Church of King Charles the Martyr.
Online Services:
YouTube services on Sundays can be found by following the link here:
On Sunday 23rd June online worship will be led by St Day Friends
On Sunday 30th June online worship will be led by Revd. J Froggatt
Regular Activities
Stitchcraft: meet at the Princess Pavilion every Monday at 2pm. New members’ welcome.
Footsteps Café: Falmouth & Penryn Churches Together coffee morning, Footsteps is held every Thursday in the foyer of Emmanuel Baptist Church from 10-12 noon. Hot and cold drinks and homemade cakes available. Please note that on the 4th July it will be held in the Dwell Café, part of the Highway Church in Penryn. All are welcome.
Wednesday Welcome: meets on the first Wednesday in the month. The next date is on Wednesday 3rd July, and it will be at Trelissick. In August it will be at the Princess Pavilion. Please speak to, or telephone Jeanette to book.
Mid-week Holy Communion at New Street
On: Thurs 4th July at 10.30 am
Midweek communion at New Street. KCM members will also be invited to join us. A midweek communion service will be held on the first Thursday of each month, being led alternately by a Methodist minister and an Anglican priest, with both congregations warmly invited to join us.
Other Notices:
Friday Morning Friends are coming back! We would be delighted if you could join us for the re- launch of Friday Morning Friends at the Fairwind’s Café 33 Church Street Falmouth starting on the 28th June 2024 10am. Make new friends and meet old friends. If you would like to help in any way, baking a cake or volunteering then please speak to one of the church stewards.
Homes & Gardens: Saturday 29th June 10am-12.30pm at the home of Maria Williams.
Eco Church: the next meeting will take place on Thursday 18th July at 11am at Emmanuel Baptist Church following the Footsteps Café. Please do join us, all are welcome.
Circuit Zoom Prayer Meeting You are invited to join on the first and third Tuesday of each month - 6.15 for 6.30pm. Revd. Jonathan will email the joining link to 'regulars' but if you would like to join please email Jonathan for the link.
Fairtrade stall will be available every second Sunday following our morning service. Nona
Future Dates:
Church Lunch: Sunday 7th July at Falmouth Golf Club please speak to Jeanette to book your place. All welcome
Bible Month – Genesis: You are all warmly invited to the Manse for a series of four Bible studies based on the book of Genesis. We will be meeting on Thursday afternoons on 11th, 18th, 25th July and 1st August at 2.30pm.
Circuit Prayer Walk- Saturday 3rd August 10-12 noon. You are all invited to take part in the walk which will take place in Lanner. More details nearer the time. The walk is being organised by Mandy Jenkin, Sam Goldsworthy & Revd. Jonathan.
In our prayers, we continue to hold the following before God:
from Falmouth: - we pray for, Michael Bradley, Anne & Barry Libby & Family, Val Thorne, Sheila Finch & family, Gwen Mason, Moira, Ray Baker who is moving to Langholme, John Cotterell, the Brokenshire Family, Daphne Rundle, Barbara Toyne, Pauline & Peter Cocks, Dorothy Penman, Gwen Dunstan, Gill Wilkinson, and the residents and staff of care homes, especially Langholme and the folk at Abbeyfield.
Pastoral Contact: for June is Jeanette
Thinking of you and missing you at church: Lesley Merrifield, Pam Hurst
Eco Opportunity
One of A Rocha UK’s firm beliefs is that we are more likely to nurture and defend God’s creation if we spend time enjoying it. The wildlife Trusts’ 30 Days Wild Challenge is a great opportunity to engage with nature as an individual, household or with your church community throughout June. Find some wild ideas at
Additional Notices:
Additional Notice from our friends at the Foodbank:
Dear Friends Thanks as always for your wonderful support. Due to the economic situation, we have a lot more clients, many of whom are working and still finding it hard to make ends meet and at the same time we are not receiving as many food donations as we did in recent times. It has therefore been necessary for us to purchase items in order to keep our shelves from being empty. This is unprecedented, and is not necessarily sustainable, so we would be grateful if you could spread the word on our behalf; just a couple of extra items will make a vast difference to us and our clients.
Here is an update of the items which are most needed: GENERALLY NEEDED • Tinned tomatoes • Pasta Sauces (in jars) • Tinned Tuna/Sardines/Mackerel • Tinned Spaghetti • Tinned Potatoes • Breakfast Cereals • Longlife Semi-Skimmed Milk • Longlife Soya or Oat Milk • Tinned Vegetable Soup • Dry RIce • Small jars regular coffee • Baby wipes • Toothpaste • Teabags • Dog Treats • Small Bottle or Cartons of Squash/Juice
The next edition of the notices will be available from Sunday 7th July 2024. Please send any items for inclusion to Sarah before Wednesday 3rd July 2024. Thank you! These notices will be updated twice a month, so please hold onto them, don’t delete them, until you get a revised version. That will save us time and money in unnecessary reprinting and will do another small bit for the environment.