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Falmouth Methodist Church

Notices for 19th & 26th February 2023

Minister: Rev Andrew Mumford   

You are welcome to join us for worship. Our Sunday Services are held at New Street Church Hall, which is in New Street, just behind the Parish Church of King Charles the Martyr. Our services for this month are:

Sunday 19th February 10.30am                            Worship led by Miss Jean Whetham

At Mawnan Smith 10.30am                                   Worship led by Dr Euan McPhee

At Langholme                                                           Worship led by Karen Jones


Ash Wednesday 22nd February 10.30am            ‘Ashing’ Service at KCM led by the

                                                                                     Revd’s Bill & Andrew                 


Sunday 26th February 10.30am                           Worship led by Revd Andrew Mumford

At Langholme                                                          Worship led by Pastor Jenny Lockwood

After Sunday services, refreshments are served. Please stay and take the opportunity to have a chat and get to know us better.

Looking further ahead:

Thursday 2nd March 10.30am                              Mid-week communion at KCM (until Easter)

                                                                                  led by Revd. Bill                                                                             

Sunday 5th March 10.30am                                 Worship led by the Café Worship Team

Sunday 12th March 10.30am                               Worship led by Revd. Andrew Mumford

Midweek communions- at KCM until Easter. KCM members will also be invited to join us. Midweek communion services are on the first and third Thursdays of each month, being led alternately by a Methodist minister and an Anglican priest, with both congregations warmly invited to join us.

Regular activities:

Stitchcraft: meet at the Princess Pavilion every Monday at 2pm. New members’ welcome.

Footsteps Café: Falmouth & Penryn Churches Together coffee morning, Footsteps is held every Thursday in the foyer of Emmanuel Baptist Church from 10-12 noon. Hot and cold drinks and homemade cakes available. All are welcome.

Wednesday Welcome: meets on the first Wednesday in the month from 2-4pm.  Next meeting 1st March at Falmouth Golf Club.


Other Notices:

Regeneration Group: We have made some progress in that we now have a quantity surveyor to help us negotiate with developers and advise us on the costs we might incur with a new build. We are still in negotiations with the developer on the outskirts of Falmouth, but the wheels turn slowly, we are looking all the time for any sites that may present themselves as more suitable. We meet regularly and if you feel you would like to be involved speak to a steward for information of our next meeting.

Ash Wednesday Service:  on 22nd February 10.30am This year we will join with our friends at KCM.

Churches Together Walk of Witness:  This will, once again, take place on Good Friday. For more information, please speak to Euan.

Lent Course for 2023: This year’s Lent groups will once again be film-based discussions. We will be watching and reflecting on West Side Story (Spielberg’s 2021 version) with its themes of migration, segregation, love found and lost, betrayal, repentance, and tragedy redeemed. There will be two groups one on a Wednesday evening at 7pm and one on a Thursday afternoon at 2pm both will be held in the Choir Vestry at KCM. The course book ‘A Place for Us’ costs £6.50 for a paperback and £2.99 for a Kindle edition. If you would like to attend a group, then please add your name to the sign-up sheet after the service.

Pop-Up Choir: The Pop-Up Choir will help to lead singing at FMC during services. They will ‘pop-up’ unannounced and if you would like to join in then please speak to one of this group after the service or just pop up!

Green Fair:  On Saturday 4th March at Truro Cathedral. This will take the form of a celebration and information event about all the ecological work currently being carried out in Cornwall. For more information, please speak to Euan.

Chrisitan Aid Booksale advance notice: Once again there will be a book sale held at KCM during Christian Aid Week (14th – 20th May). There will be boxes in New Street for your donations. If you would like any more information, then please speak to Euan.

Foodbank: Our Foodbank collection bin is now in the entrance at New Street. The need for the Foodbank grows continually and we would encourage you to donate what you can. Thank you.

Fairtrade:  Traidcraft, our supplier, has gone out of business and we are not sure what the future holds after that. Nona

FRIDAY 3rd  MARCH  at 10.30 World Day of Prayer service at the Salvation Army. We will be sharing some faith stories from women of Taiwan. Soup and roll to follow. ALL WELCOME. Details on our poster board.

 In our prayers, we continue to hold the following before God: from Falmouth: Bruce & Shirley Keer, June Martin,  the Mumford Family, John Bennett, Gwen Dunstan, Gill Wilkinson, Bab Minns and the residents and staff of care homes, especially Langholme. And for all those who have been affected by the recent chest infections doing the rounds, and for all those suffering with the effects of Covid (short-term and long-Covid).

 Pastoral Contact for February:  Jean Northey


As ever, you’ll find the YouTube services on Sundays here: This Sunday, the 19th February is led by Jean Whetham & Maria Williams. Next Sunday the 26th February is led by Pastor Jenny Lockwood.

Thinking of you and missing you at church:  Beattie & Norma Bosustow, Bruce and Shirley, Margaret and Jayne Black


 Eco-Tip:  Our climate emergency is a global challenge requiring a global solution and it is easy to feel that individual action is of no consequence. Using China’s CO2 emissions as an excuse not to bother is not a reasonable response when the UK, architect of the Industrial Revolution, is responsible for 1% of global emissions.  Cutting those in half on the way to net zero, carries real impact and can inspire other countries to follow true leadership.  We need to find ways of cutting our carbon and creating new norms. We can let our lives speak by showing others what is possible.  We learn by copying. We can also learn what is personally holding us back (flights for example or diet).  Differences in our own families and friendship groups can teach us about the difficulties of international climate agreements.


Find a genuine green renewable energy provider. In 2020 there were Eco-tricity and Good Energy. Shop carefully.