Methodist Women in Britain by Tracy Lyall
MWiB Spring District Days 2022
Cornwall and Isles of Scilly
We were welcomed by Rev’d Cath Arscott Cornwall and Isles of Scilly MWiB President. We shared in a short time of devotion which was followed by a book review telling of some fabulous books including authors Tracy Williamson and Marilyn Baker.
It was our privilege to have Mrs Hilary Evans District Vice President of MWiB to speak at both our District days, firstly in Chacewater Village hall, and then at Tamar Valley Church.
Hilary had chosen the theme ‘Sea Prayers and Sounds’ which was so appropriate for our coastal situation.
Hilary spoke about the creation and how the earth was formed and how we relate to the water with trade, security and relaxation, and also the past stories of mythic creatures in the deep.
Hilary used a book ‘Sea Prayer’ by Khaled Hosseini which inspired her, It tells about the ocean and the crossings made by displaced people, the fear and loss that they experience putting themselves at risk in order to reach comparative safety.
We were encouraged to write a haiku poem and sharing the results reminded us of how imaginative we can be. We heard music about the sea by James Galway accompanied by beautiful pictures. We experienced the power that the sound of the sea can make by just listening to it.
During lunch we were also able to purchase many lovely things from the Traidcraft stall and contributions were taken for the Cornwall MWiB president’s charity, Kernow Young Carers.
Our days concluded with Communion in Chacewater led by Rev’d Mark Dunn-Wilson and at Tamar Valley by Rev’d David Miller and all of this was finished with a fabulous Cornish Cream tea.
Our days spent together bring so much Christian communion and love.