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A Methodist Way of Life: Lent Course, week 2

A Methodist Way of Life: Lent Course, week 2

A Methodist Way of Life: Lent Course week 2


Many of us met through Zoom again yesterday for the second part of our Lent Course led by Rev’d Andrew.

The focus this week was on ‘worship’ both personal and collective. Looking through the points about worship on the Way of Life card we considered our calling:

  1. We will pray daily
  2. We will worship with others regularly
  3. We will look and listen for God in Scripture, and in the world.


Breaking down into smaller chat groups we examined our prayer lives and discussed if we found prayer easy or difficult discovering that prayer looks different for different people.

Also pondering our current circumstances, we discussed again, in smaller groups, how we have found worship online over the last few months. Several people expressed their gratitude to those who have either recorded services or for the live services that Jean has led once a month. We agreed how valuable this worship has been.

If you would like to join us for the next session, then please email Rev’d Andrew for the link, you will be very welcome.