A Methodist Way of Life: Lent Course
A Methodist Way of Life: Lent Course Week 1
Our Lent Course began yesterday afternoon via Zoom, and we were joined by 22 people.
In this first week we looked at our Methodist Church membership card and pondered on what our calling means. The card has four sections on worship, learning and caring, service and evangelism. Discussing these subjects made for an interesting session with varying points of view. We thought about our church commitments, our caring for others, community, work life balance and the future and change.
In thinking about what a structured spiritual life might look like we were asked to consider.
1) What is my role within the rules?
2) What will the incorporating of these rules look like in my life?
Further examination of the Methodist Way of Life will continue over the next few weeks of Lent and the Methodist Way of Life can be found attached here or on the Methodist Church UK website.
(If you have not joined yet but would like to take part then please email Revd. Andrew for the link and you will be most welcome).