He is Risen Indeed! Alleluia!
He is Risen Indeed! Alleluia!
With beautiful afternoon sun and in strict covid-safe conditions the Falmouth and Gwennap Methodist Circuit met for an Easter service at Gwennap Pit this afternoon. This large outdoor facility allowed for social distancing in lovely surroundings with the hum of bird song and a mostly blue sky. What more could we ask for our Easter service?
With permission recently given for the singing of hymns outside we sang Christ the Lord is Risen Today, Give Thanks for the Risen Lord, When I survey the Wondrous Cross and Thine Be the Glory. Many felt real joy at being able to sing their favourite hymn once again.
Led by the Circuit Ministry Team along with the Chairman of the District Rev'd Steve Wild we heard the Gospel of Mark 16: 1- 8, Psalm 118 and a cross was decorated with flowers by Ruth Bowen and Hannah.
The service included a new style of communion; adhering to safety protocols and instead of shaking hands to offer the sign of peace this was conveyed by waving to each other.
Services begin again next week at Falmouth Methodist Church at 10.30am Sunday 11th April. All are welcome. Social distancing measures will be in place for the protection of all.