Café Worship 5th Feb ‘23
At our Café Worship this Sunday we thought about friendship and how this is represented in the Bible, how Jesus spent time with friends and treated those who came to him as friends.
We listened to The Beatles song 'With a Little Help from my Friends', many of us singing along!
We considered how friends are important to us and what makes a friend. We also decided how we can befriend others with Nona sharing her experience of the Age Concern Befriending Service and how much she enjoyed being a contact for some elderly folk who would have been very isolated without her contact either by phone or actual visits.
In the drama a small group acted out the story from Mark chapter 2 in which a group decide to get their paralysed friend to Jesus any way that they can, lowering him through the roof as their last but successful resort. A miraculous healing taking place.
Café Worship takes place on the first Sunday of the month with breakfast for all being served from 10am and worship starting at 10.30. It is informal with craft activities and worship songs. All are very welcome.