Evangelism: Lent Course
In our final Lent course study, on Zoom, Revd. Andrew began with a Bible reading from Matthew chapter 20 verses 29 – 34 and briefly described the physical miracle of Jesus healing the blind men juxtaposed to the symbolic meaning of the blind men being able to see light. He linked this to our topic for today ‘evangelism’.
The focus on evangelism, taken from A Methodist Way of Life, then reflected on difficulties in sharing our faith, cultural expectations, and beliefs. In smaller groups we then examined the questions; when was the last time you were able to talk about God? Have you been able to share your faith since the last time we met?
Then considering our church we explored, once again in smaller groups, how our discussions can become action linking this to our Regeneration Project and all the hope that it brings for our church, the town and community.
Our evangelism prayer:
We will speak of the love of God
We will live in a way that draws others to Jesus
We will share our faith with others
Although this was the last of our Lent course sessions there is information about the Christian faith available on The Methodist Church of Great Briton website www.methodist.org.uk
Once services resume you would be most welcome to join us.