Christ the Lord is Risen Today; Alleluia!
Joy, Love, Peace …..Hope
Meeting at New Street in the KCM church hall, Revd. Andrew Mumford welcomed everyone to the Falmouth Methodist Church's Easter Sunday service. The service began with an acclamation of the Easter message, ‘Christ is risen indeed.’ The first hymn, played by Mr David Collins, was Christ the Lord is Risen Today and this introduced the theme for the service of ‘hope.’ During the hymn a cross was decorated with fresh flowers by members of the congregation (see photos).
The first reading was from Psalm 118: 1-2, 14-24. The second reading was taken from John chapter 20: 1-18. In his sermon Revd Andrew postulated on what the people of Israel had hoped for in a Messiah and how over the Easter weekend they had experienced everything from joy to sorrow to hope found in the resurrection. He expressed how important ‘hope’ is in our world today for those who are struggling, unwell or in conflict situations. He concluded with saying that ‘joy can be momentary, love can be experienced in the present moment, you may have peace in your time but that hope suggests not just now but a future hope.’ The service concluded with the hymn Thine Be the Glory.
IF you would like to join us for worship at the KCM church hall in New Street we meet every Sunday morning at 10.30am.
Next Sunday 16th April our service will begin at 10.30 led by Mr Paul Langford.
Online services are still available for those who cannot attend the service in church and can be found from a link on the Falmouth and Gwennap Circuit website, The services are available from 10.30am each Sunday morning.